Although it was live* , almost all the talks were pre-recorded. Didn’t liked much but Presenters were online after talk for Q&A sessions. I missed some of the talks, but a good thing about online events, you can watch them later 🙂
Here are my notes on what caught my eye.
Attended Kubernetes AI Day. Basically it was all about kubeflow. How to run your pipeline with less afford, more automation as much as possible. Projects to follow:
- kale, lets you run a pipeline in your jupyter notebook by taging some cell. Pretty cool
- SAME, an early stage promising tool to run your experiment (.py file) from the command line.
CNCF Sandboxed Projects that I like to mention,
- Backstage, developer portal from spotify.
- cert-manager, we all use it 🙂
- Crossplane, mentioned on several talks. should keep an eye.
- k3s, Lightweight Kubernetes. so simple to run. check also
- KEDA, Event-driven autoscaling. for you async needs.
- LitmusChaos, Chaos Engineering solution, top trend in 2021.
- Longhorn, block storage for Kubernetes, easy to install and use.
- OpenTelemetry, also mentioned on several talks. very important topic.
- Check the whole list here,
None Sandboxed Projects to keep an eye,
- Karpenter, autoscaler that directly talks with cloud provider and runs your pending pods faster than node group (autoscaling group) solutions. awslabs project and only support AWS at the moment.
- wasmcloud, WebAssembly in cloud, used by fastly on edge.
- gRPC Service Mesh, your services without any sidecar/proxy, used by GCP traffic-director
There are numerous projects out there and some of them are doing really good job. This is only a small list. How small 🙂 Check CNCF Landscape. It’s getting bigger and bigger every time I checked and looks great.